Hey guys! It's almost two months I left this blog alone, without updating anything. It's not because I hate this blog but I just a little bit busy (takde la busy sangat sebenarnya. Malas je yang lebihnya). Today I have something to share with all of you especially to the SPM leavers. First of all, congratulation on your result! So, result dah dapat. Sekarang mesti semua busy dengan bermacam-macam jenis borang scholarship untuk diisi kan? Isi-isi jugak. Jangan lupa untuk completekan borang permohonan UPU ye! Okay, back to our topic. I've been asked by my juniors about how I got into IIUM and how I applied the Economics and Management Sciences Course and I believe that most of you are excited to know about it. So, in this post I list down almost all of the frequently asked questions about this course and I answer the faq based on what I know. Enjoy your reading!
(1) How to apply the Foundation of Economics and Management Sciences at International Islamic University Malaysia?
Using the UPU application form. Dekat bahagian pemilihan universiti, you need to give 8 choices right? then, in the first or second place of your choice, find and choose "Universiti Islam Antarabangsa-Asasi Ekonomi dan Sains Pengurusan"
(2) What is this "Economics and Management Sciences" course? Do we need to take care of sciences also?
Actually, this course is all about economic, accounting and management. It has nothing to do with sciences. The table below shows the subject that you'll take in this Economics and Management Sciences Foundation.
Program Requirement
Core Course
Mathematics 1
Mathematics 2
Accounting 1
Accounting 2
Introduction to Business
English Languages
(Based on your EPT result)
English level 3
English level 4
English level 5
English level 6
Arabic Languages
(Based on you APT result)
Elementary Quranic Language Part 1
Elementary Quranic Language Part 2
Computer 1
Two Fundamental Islamic Courses
Basic Theme of Al-Quran
Religions In Malaysia (students who take PSI and PQS in SPM)
Understanding Islam (students who take PI in SPM)
(3) I've heard that for those who take foundation in IIUM, they will definitely enter and take degree at IIUM, no matter what the result of CGPA they get at foundation level. Is that true?
We have our own requirement to pursue degree at IIUM and the requirement for us, students of Economics and management Sciences, is minimum CGPA 2.5.
(4) How long will be the duration of taking this foundation?
Actually, IIUM is the most confusing university when it comes to the foundation level. Some people think, foundation is an one year pre-graduate programme. But, for your information, how long the period you'll be at foundation level in IIUM is based on your EPT and APT results. Some students will be there for one year, one and half years or two years, based on your study plan (you will get the study plan after you get you EPT and APT results because your study plan is based on your EPT and APT results). I give you the example of study plan in the table below:
EPT Result
APT Result
Subject taken for each semester
Semester 1 2012/2013:
Accounting 1
Mathematics 1
Basic Theme of Quran
Computer 1
Semester 2 2012/2013:
None (Those who do not pass the minimum CGPA of 2.5 will repeat the subjects that they failed during this short semester)
Semester 3 2012/2013:
Accounting 2
Mathematics 2
Introduction to Business
Religions In Malaysia
1 year
Level 5
Semester 1 2012/2013:
Basic Theme of Quran
Mathematics 1
Accounting 1
English level 5
Semester 2 2012/2013:
None (Those who do not pass the minimum CGPA of 2.5 will repeat the subjects that they failed during this short semester)
Semester 3 2012/2013:
Mathematics 2
Accounting 2
Religions In Malaysia
Introduction to Business
English level 6
Semester 1 2013/2014:
Computer 1
1 and half years
Level 4
Level 1
Semester 1 2012/2013:
English level 4
Arabic Part 1
Computer 1
Semester 2 2012/2013:
None (Those who do not pass the minimum CGPA of 2.5 will repeat the subjects that they failed during this short semester)
Semester 3 2012/2013:
Mathematics 1
Accounting 1
English level 5
Arabic Part 2
Basic Theme Quran
Semester 1 2013/2014:
Mathematics 2
Accounting 2
English level 6
Understanding Islam
Semester 2 2013/2014:
None (Those who do not pass the minimum CGPA of 2.5 will repeat the subjects that they failed during this short semester)
Semester 3 2013/2014:
Introduction to business
2 years
(5) Where will be the foundation of IIUM campus?
The Centre For Foundation Studies (CFS) campus is at Petaling Jaya. However, due to the exceeded capacity of students, the foundation of Economics and Management Sciences is moved to the main campus at Gombak. The registration and Taaruf Week (orientation week) will be conducted at CFS Petaling Jaya for all students including ECONS students. ECONS students will be brought to Mahallah Maryam at IIUM Gombak only after the Taaruf Week.
(6) I've read about EPT and APT from the beginning of this post. Actually, what are the EPT and APT?
Ops! Sorry. I almost forgot to tell you about APT and EPT.
EPT is the English Placement Test that you will take during the Taaruf Week. This EPT consist of two paper, Paper 1 and Paper 2. You are given 3 hours to finish all the questions in both papers.
APT is the Arabic Placement Test that you will take during the Taaruf Week (basically, you'll take it on the same day as EPT). This APT consist of one paper only (including 2 essay questions in that paper). Usually, only those who have basic in Arabic will answer this APT questions while the other who do not have basic will just leave the paper like that (and absolutely they will take Arabic Part 1 in their study plan).
(7) What is the minimum requirement to enter this foundation (Syarat am dan syarat khas)?
You can find the requirement from this website : Syarat Khas Program
(8) What are the co-curricular activities that exists for Economics and Management Sciences student?
CFS (Gombak) Societies:
i- Foundation Student Coordination Council (FSCC)
ii- Facilitator Representative Committee (FRC)
iii- Mahallah Representative Committee (MRC)
iv- Economics & Management Sciences: Economics Students Society(ECONSS)
v- PERKIM Club
vi- Scouts
vii- Persatuan Kebajikan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM)
Main Campus Societies (CFS Students at Gombak also can join this societies):
ii- Seni Silat Gayung Malaysia
iii- Seni Silat Cekak Malaysia
iv- Aikido Club
v- Karate Club
vi- Taekwondo
vii- Quranic Youth Club
viii- and many more.. come here and you'll know what are the societies that available for you here! :)
All students are required to attend two courses – Innovative Leadership & Training course and Biro Tata Negara (BTN). It is compulsory to all students.
(9) Is there any usrah provided for the ECONS students?
Yes it is! We have Study Circle which will be conducted by the Facilitator Representative Committee (FRC). This Study Circle is compulsory to all students and we have examination for this. You will be introduced to this Study Circle activities during Taaruf Week or you can find it here : FRC. After that, we have Golden Team for ECONS students which is conducted by MRC. PEMBINA IIUM also provide usrah programme for its members. There are so many usrah you can join when you join programme with the degree's students. That's one of the advantages of being ECONS students (because we are living at main campus with the degree students).
(10) Can I bring motorcycle or car (common question)?
Yes you can for motorcycle only. For car, you can't. Tapi, kalau nak jugak bawak kereta, silakanlah bawak. Kalau nasib anda baik, takde spotcheck, takde masalah la. Tapi, kalau ada spotcheck,melayang lah RM 50 anda. By the way, only for ECONS students can bring motorcycle while for Petaling Jaya students, you're not allowed at all. (Don't forget to bring the helmet also. If you get caught by the traffic guard, you'll be summoned for RM 50. They are always waiting for students at the T junction nak masuk Mahallah Maryam every morning. Be cautious!)
(10) Do you have any pictures of IIUM?
Yes I do. InsyaAllah I'll upload all of those pictures in my new posts. Have faith! :)
*UPDATE! to see picture, click here! :)
I think that's all for today. I hope this posts really helps you. If you have any questions about the Foundation of Economics and Management Sciences at IIUM, please leave your comment below or email me at echizen_ryama94@yahoo.com. By the way, for those who are cautious to know about other courses, you can ask Brother Kamil for further informations. For other FAQ, please refer to this link. Thank you.
* p/s: Dear juniors, see you at Mahallah Maryam, IIUM Gombak! :)
"And We sent not before you
except men to whom We revealed [Our message]. So ask the
people of the message if you do not know." (An-Nahl 16:43)
Assalam...saya dpt kos econs ni...nanti daftar kat pj kan? Tapi ddk kat gombak...so first day nk dtg mane? Pj ke gombak nak hanta barang bnyk2 semua?
ReplyDeleteeh sama ah kite. haha. tapi bukan pegi pj dulu ke? ada kat vehicle ticket yg kene print online tu. dye kata kat pj.
DeleteOkay terima kasih ^_^
DeleteWassalam. Refer pada dokumen yg korang kena print. Kalau dia ckp tempat registration tu dekat PJ, then, kat pj la korang register. Pasal nanti kena pindah ke Gombak tu akan diberitahu masa tempoh registration dan minggu orientasi tu. Harap menjawab soalan. tq
DeleteSoal hantar brg banyak2 tu, nasihat saya, takyah bwk brg byk lg. Atau beli je brg2 tu nanti bila dh masuk gombak. sbb nnti susah nk angkut brg banyak2 naik bas. Kalau rumah dekat, bawak mana yg penting dan perlu sahaja dulu. Yg selebihnya tu, boleh minta parent dtg hantar ke Gombak lps tamat minggu orientasi.
Hai . Assalamualaikum sis . Sorry ganggu . Nak tanya . For ECONS student ,lepas taaruf week di PJ . And then pegi ke gombak kan ? Boleh ke kalau parents kita amik then hntar kita ke Gombak? Or wajib naik bas yg disediakan . Hehe . Tq ^_^
DeleteMaaf lambat reply. Masa tahun saya tu, yup. Boleh je kalau parent dtg ambil. takde masalah. Tapi taktau la latest ni macam mana. Harap menjawab soalan.
Assalamualaikum.... Sy nk tnya klu each courses dia punya ept level requirement lain2 ke?
Deleteerm. Kalau ept, rasanya semua sama. Tapi tak sure kalau untuk course yg mmg english mcm BENL tu sampai level berapa. Tapi course lain yg bukan english course semua sampai level 6.
hi , kalau kita nak ambik econs untuk degree but foundation in engineering and science computer , boleh ke ? macam mana eh ?
DeleteBoleh. Foundation tu dari uia atau dari uni lain? Kalau foundation dari uni lain, saya tak sure pulak mcm mana procedure dia, ni kena call student admission department (AMAD) uia utk details. Tapi kalau dr foundation uia, ada dua cara:
1) Tukar kos masa tgh amik foundation.
2) Tamatkan foundation dlm engineering. lepas dah masuk degree, masa sem 1 degree tu apply untuk tukar course ke economics. Details untuk mcm mana nak apply etc tu boleh dapatkan dari general office kulliyah engineering.
Harap membantu.
Salam sis. Boleh tak explain pasal course econs ni(subjek dia, etc). Pastu agak2 kalau takde basic akaun boleh survive ke masa degree nnti? Sbb saya ni time sekolah tak amek akaun and now saya student law kat cfs iium tpi rasa mcm nak tukar econs masa degree nnti.
DeleteWassalam. Maaf sebab baru berkesempatan nak reply comment.
1) Soal boleh survive atau tak tu, if regardless of the cgpa, memang boleh survive. Tapi kalau survive in term of high cgpa tu bergantung pada usaha masing-masing. Nak dapat lebih, usaha kena lebih sikit la. Walaupun masa first year tu lecturer memang akan ajar balik dari awal, but dorang takkan ajar as you don't know anything mcm masa asasi. Jadi, yang takde background econs dan akaun tu kena usaha lebih sikit la untuk familiarkan diri dgn term2 ekonomi dan akaun.
2)Pasal curse econs tu, InsyaAllah nanti saya buat satu post khusus explain pasal ni. Kalau nak explain kat comment ni, takut tak cukup ruang ja. hehe.
Harap membantu. Have a nice day! :)
assalamualaikum kak, sy nk tanya, apa contoh kerjaya dlm bidang ni?
DeleteContoh kerjaya bergantung pada bachelor yang awak amik masa degree nanti. Dan bidang ni memang sangat luas. Banyak jugak peluang kerja as private companies are growing bak cendawwan tumbuh lepas hujan. Yang boleh saya listkan:
- Akauntan
- Pegawai Kewangan
- Pegawai Pemasaran
- Pegawai Operasi
- Pegawai Bank
- Managing Director
- Juruaudit
- Setiausaha
- Human Resource Manager
- Pegawai Akaun
- Economist
- Business Consultant
- Dan banyak lagi... boleh google to discover more.
Assalamualaikum, I just got my spm results and I would like to know about what do we study in economics and management science? is it mathematics-based? or ada juga menghafal? mathematics isn't my best trait but I would like to pursue this course, do you think I can carry the subjects?
DeleteWassalam. It consists of both calculation and reading courses. Lists of subject are as stated in the above post. As for your last question, InsyaAllah boleh je bawa. Cuma efforts kena extra lebih la. Sebab nak tak nak, memang akan ada calculation. Hope I answer your questions. :)
if you don't mind, boleh tak terangkan in details pasal this course. macam banyak maths ke menghafal ke etc etc thank you
DeleteSince your question is almost the same as above, I'll give the same answer. It consists of both calculation and reading courses. List of subjects are as stated in the above post. If you want me to give details of the subjects, I'm afraid I can't. Cause it will spoil the surprise, plus, I dont really remember since I took those subjects around 4-5 years ago. But I believe you can identify whether it has calculation or not based on the name of the subjects. You're welcome. :)
Assalamualaikum, kak saya lepasan spm and nak tanya about the course your taking, saya pelajar lepasan kejuteraan and was wondering course nie susah tak kalau takde basic accounting and Arab?
DeleteWassalam. Kalau takde basic accounting, awak kena bagi lebih usaha la sikit. It doesn't really matter cause you'll find so many students with no basic in accounting and arabic. Lagipun, dalam kelas, usually, lecturer akan ajar dari awal. Cuma kena usaha lebih sikit kalau tak faham dan usually, kita akan rasa inferior dengan kawan atau classmates yang ada basic. Anyway, don't worry. You'll survive the foundation even though you dont have the basic. Cause I was too. Good luck! :)
Salam kak. Nak tnya, EPT and APT exams tu susah ke macam mana eh.
DeleteWassalam. Susah ke? SPM lg susah mungkin. haha. K, i'm kidding. EPT tu ada iras-iras MUET. Boleh la check contoh soalan bertulis MUET kalau nak tau secara roughly bentuk soalan EPT. APT pulak, lebih kurang macam exam Bahasa Arab masa SPM. Tapi tak perlu bimbang pun pasal exam tu. Sebab exam tu cuma nak tentukan samaada korang kena amik subjek English dan Arab atau tak. Kalau kena amik, level berapa etc etc la. Tak perlu stress sangat. Have fun! I didnt even study to take the EPT & APT exam during the orientation week. Result? I was exempted from Arabic and Tilawah while I took English level 5 (kalau pass, naik level 6) and was exempted in the next semester without taking level 6. Learning English is fun! Believe me. :)
Salam,is it hard to study if I want to take this foundation course without any basics in accounting?And I passed all the minimum requirements that were given.
DeleteWassalam. Kalau takde basic accounting, awak kena bagi lebih usaha la sikit. It doesn't really matter cause you'll find so many students with no basic in accounting. Lagipun, dalam kelas, usually, lecturer akan ajar dari awal. Cuma kena usaha lebih sikit kalau tak faham dan usually, kita akan rasa inferior dengan kawan atau classmates yang ada basic. Anyway, don't worry. You'll survive the foundation even though you dont have the basic. Cause I was too. Good luck! :)
assalamualaikum kak , if i dont take economy and acc for spm , it is okay to me to apply this course ? and mathematics that you learn in this course it is complicated ?
DeleteWassalam. It is definitely ok to apply. As long as you pass the minimum requirement. Saya dulu pun tak pernah belajar ekonomi dan acc until i took this course. Masa kelas nanti lecturer akan ajar start dari awal. So, you dont really have to worry about that. Pasal mathematics tu, if complicated means "do I have to learn Add Math again?", YES. Math yang akan belajar nanti memang fully complicated things as in add math. Tapi selagi ada basic add math, InsyaAllah you can survive. Kawan saya dulu tak amik pun add math masa spm but she survived. Sekarang kami sama-sama dah nak graduate degree dah. Alhamdulillah. Selagi ada usaha, InsyaALlah you'll be fine. Good luck! :)
Salam kak, nak tanya, lepas habis buat foundation ni, course apa yg boleh sambung untuk degree?
ReplyDeleteWassalam. Ada 4 major course bawah fakulti ekonomi yg boleh diambil:
Delete1) Bachelor of Accounting
2) Bachelor of Economics
3) Bachelor of Business Administration
4) Bachelor of Sciences (Islamic Finance)
Untuk Bachelor of Business Administration, kita ada lg banyak pecahan di bawah dia such as:
1) Bachelor of Business Administration (Finance)
2) Bachelor of Business Administration (Human Resource Management)
3) Bachelor of Business Administration (Marketing)
4) Bachelor of Business Administration (Islamic Banking & Finance)
5) Bachelor of Business Administration (International Business)
6) Bachelor of Business Administration (General Management)
7) Bachelor of Business Administration (Minor in Accounting)
8) Bachelor of Business Administration (Minor in Information Systems)
9) Bachelor of Business Administration (Minor in Enterpreneurship)
Manakala untuk Bachelor of Accounting, Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Sciences (Islamic Finance), dorang ada concentration masing-masing.
Akan tetapi, katakanlah lepas tamat asasi, awak dah tak nak teruskan amik fakulti ni, boleh mintak untuk tukar ke fakulti lain seperti fakulti pendidikan dan fakulti sains kemanusiaan. Bergantung pada cgpa dan usaha yg awak bg.
Hope this answer your question. :)
Assalam..nak tanya..adakah subjek arab dikira dalam pointer utk course econs ni?
DeleteWassalam. Yup. Semua subjek yang awak ambil secara official (ada kelas, ada exam etc) akan dikira pointer termasuklah Arabic dan English. Tapi tak perlu bimbang psl Arabic sebab Arabic untuk student Econs hanyalah basic arabic yang budak sekolah rendah belajar tu je sebab medium of communication kita dalam bahasa Inggeris, bukan Arabic. Tq.
asslm akak.kalau saya ambik asasi ekonomi dan sains pengurusan dkat uiam.tapi nak sambung degree kat tempat lain boleh kah
DeleteWassalam. InsyaAllah boleh. I have two friends who are both currently studying in the UK (with scholarship) who got the admission right after they finished their foundation in UIA. Yg penting awak pandai cari peluang. Score sehabis mungkin, lepas tu kena sentiasa updates dengan peluang-pelunag yg ada. Good Luck! :)
Assalam kak..nk tanya kalau exempted APT..kiranya kita x perlu ambil arab ke??
DeleteWassalam. Haah. Kalau exempted tak perlu ambil Bahasa Arab.
assalamualaikum kak, sekarang akak degree la kan? akak pursue bachelor apa?
DeleteWassalam. Ye saya. Bachelor of Business Administration (Finance)
Assalamualaikum kak, saya nak tanya kalau tak ada basic arab memang kena buat foundation dua tahun ke di UIAM?
DeleteWassalam. Tak jugak. bergantung pada level untuk subjek English.
Assalamualaikum, akak rasa saya dapat tak masuk course ni sebab result spm saya 5A A+ maths, A acc, B+ addmaths. Akak rasa saya berpeluang tak? tq
DeleteWassalam. Tak pasti. Tapi selagi dah lepas syarat2 yang ditetapkan, peluang tu sentiasa ada. All the best! :)
Salam.saya ada dengar yg management bagi uia gombak tak sistematik..ada students yg underload??? Minta penjelasan. Saya terase down skit bile terbace pasal tu..saya sgt2 nk msuk uiam ni..hrp
DeleteWassalam. CFS dengan main campus mana sama dik oi. Tak perlu pun bimbang pasal underload ke overload. Korang punya jadual kelas semua dah disediakan oleh admin. Tak perlu pre-register subjek sendiri. Underlod atau overload tu masalah yg timbul bila tak cukup register subjek dan untuk student main campus je. Tq.
Salam kak biasanya setiap tahun berapa ramai yang dipilih untuk course asasi ni
ReplyDeleteWassalam. Akak pun tak pasti dik. Intake tahun akak (2012), untuk asasi ekonomi je, ada dalam 400++. Selalunya range dia dalam 200-400 la kut. Wallahualam. Tak berani nak cakap sebab tak pernah buat statistik pasal tu. Maaf tak dapat membantu. huhu.
DeleteHai and Assalamualaikum.
ReplyDeleteSaya nak tanya, boleh tak lepas habis foundation di UIA, saya nak pursue degree di other unis? If it is in local, kena guna sistem UPU ke? Dan lagi satu, foundation ada chance to fly abroad ye? Thank you in advance and sorry for taking your time.
Wassalam. Hai. Maaf lambat reply. Agak busy dengan final exam dan practial training. Sedar-sedar dah raya. Baru berpeluang bukak blog ni. Maaf sekali lagi ye.
DeleteTo answer your questions:
1) Lepas habis asasi UIA, nak sambung degree di uni lain tu saya tak pasti samaada boleh atau tak. Well, to be exact, you can apply for the UPU but I'm not sure whether the university that you're applying will accept and recognize our foundation or not. Sebab tak semua universiti terima pelajar asasi dari universiti lain sebab silibus tak sama. Tapi ada je yang terima. If you're lucky enough, you may be enrolled into the uni that you want. Just try. The chances are there. :)
2) Yup. Untuk local universities, apply through UPU as what u did after SPM.
3) Chances untuk fly abroad tu masih ada. I have two friends from CFS who are currently in their final year in UK. They scored during the foundation and apply for a placement in UK through UCAS (a system which is similar to UPU but based in UK). When their placements were confirmed at the university, they searched for the organization who are willing to fund their studies and they did it. Tadaa! They are now already in their final year in UK.
Hope I answer your questions. TQ
Foundation econs still kat gombak ke? So time orentasi kat pj then belajar kat gombak lah eh?
Deletesalam sis kalau tak belajar or ambik bahasa arab masa spm still boleh apply ke? and if it a yes then would it be difficult to catch up with the syllabus?
ReplyDeleteMaaf lambat. Boleh apply dan mungkin akan diterima masuk. Takde masalah. Dari segi difficult ke tak tu, as far as I know, tak susah pun utk student Economics sbb requirement hanyalah sampai level 2 sahaja.
DeleteAssalamualaikum, hi saya nak tanya dulu akak masuk asasi ekonomi ke? dan ramai tak yang apply asasi ekonomi ni?
ReplyDeleteWassalam. Maaf lambat. Yes. Saya dulu asasi ekonomi. Masa intake tahun saya, dalam 400 students jugak la yang enrolled.
DeleteAkak saya tahu blog ni dah lama but kalau boleh akak tolong reply lah ye? Saya apply utk foundation in economics and management sciences. Dalam course ni ada mathematics yang susah tak? Like calculus e.t.c?
ReplyDeleteAnd masa sek Menengah saya tak belajar bahasa arab. Memang wajib ke ambik bahasa arab kat sini?
Soalan terakhir, course ni still kat gombak or dah tukar tempat? Sebab saya confuse bila nampak ada kat pahang jugak.
Your reply will really be useful. Thank you
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